So, I have to admit: I'm not a fan of anything squeamy: bugs, snakes...okay, bugs and snakes. That may be it. :) Oh and fish...those, too. Ew.
Living in Minnesota, however, in the middle of somewhere, I have learned that nature abounds....whether I want it to or not.
And I have discovered that I really like frogs.
Last summer, I came downstairs, and Man (my beloved) directed me towards towards the staircase wall, so I could see the frog that had been there since the night before. (I call him Man as he changes my oil, knows what a Piston is, and can quote me my eighth-amendment rights in about three minutes.)
This poor little guy was plastered against the wall like the Titanic was going down--he did not move for two days--or at least that we saw him. Poor little guy.
Finally, we sent him back outside.
Today, we noticed a little face sticking out of a planter by the patio door. He had the same little look: "don't step on me-don't eat me-please love me" of our little frog from last summer.
Sorry for the badness of the image (via my Droid), but he is still super cute.