One of my current projects is tackling my closet/wardrobe.
As another season approaches, I feel the need to go through and edit what I am wearing, which has me packing up multiple bags of clothing and sending them to Goodwill.
My long-term goal is still the same: to have a closet that is both functional and visually-appealing and to wear only what I love.
What I have noticed is how inefficiently I use my space. Much of my drawer space is devoted to casual wear that could easily be stored in bins to free up storage space for work wear and other everyday pieces.
I also use my closet shelf to store sweaters and sweatshirts, which is fine. Except that everything inevitably gets jumbled together. And because I'm short--if I grab a sweatshirt, three more will fall on the floor. Or, if I'm lucky, on my head. And, yes, I'm that lucky. :)
I find I am more effective tackling major projects bit by bit, so I decided to attack the closet shelf problem first.
I found these lovely containers from Target and decided that three would just about serve my purposes for now.
I divided up my top-shelf wardrobe into three parts: sweaters, sweatshirts, and sweats/painting clothes.
I labeled the baskets using pages from the Tiffany catalog. :) Just because it would make happy,
FITD love!!
(images courtesy of Framed In The Doorway)