
FITD Flights of Fancy: DIY Lamp Tutorial

Oh, what a wonderful spring-like day here in Minnesota! When the weather turns nicer, I feel like I can accomplish anything.

Today, I took Duchess Elizabeth out for her first walk in ages where she proceeded to assert her dominance with the 80-pound German Shepard up the road.

I also swung by Home Depot to pick up the last piece for a little DIY I've been working on.

Springtime gives me the itchy britches in the worst way. It's not yet warm enough to start gardening...and yet I feel the need to be creative.

After doing a little research on Pinterest, I thought it would be fun to make my own lamp! (And this idea is perfect for anyone--if you're like me--who can't leave an antique shop without buying vases, jars, etc. which have no purpose and sit around the house collecting dust. )

Turn those bad-boys into awesome bits of ambient light!

What you'll need:
  • Base (I used a Target vase I found on clearance.)
  • Drum-style lampshade
  • Make-a-lamp- kit (Home Depot has them.)
  • 8" Harp
  • Finial
  • Clear electrical cord. Your kit will come with a standard white one. You may want something different. (optional)

What you'll do:

Admittedly, tools and assembly aren't my strong point, so my Man (who excels at all Man things) did the hard labor.
  1. Assemble and wire your kit according to instructions.
  2. Attach harp to the socket and place desired lampshade and add finial.
  3. Add light bulb and voila!!

(image courtesy of Framed In The Doorway)
FITD love!



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