
Crazy for a Clambake.

Maybe it's because I'm ready for Minnesota to decided what season (or what geographic region) it would like to be...but I think it would be fun to host a good, old-fashioned New England clambake.

Since our trip to Key West. I have become obsessed with shellfish as only the truly addicted (I mean, recently converted) can be.

I might start with a fabulous setting like this one.


And having fabulous lobsters like these? (Except I would actually have to have someone de-shell the lobster for me since anything besides the tail grosses me out.) I also love the sweet corn!

Hungry for summer!! How about y'all?




Lifeboard and Seeds of Pearl

So, first off, I hope everyone is having a fabulous Saturday. In spite of the (continuous) rainy weather here, I am having a nice day. Spent some time with a friend and her mama scouring a local nursery for fairy garden accessories. I did not leave with any FG stuff, but I did end up with an awesome succulent called Seeds of Pearl (pictured below).

Apparently, the little seeds are roots, and you can just plant them, and they'll grow! Super excited--we'll see if I manage not to kill it.

I'd like to share one of the other personal projects I am working on called a Lifeboard (a term I made up). It's kind of like a cross between a to-do list, a bucket list, and a wanna list. In the past couple of years, I have faced tough personal choices and professional challenges, so I'm looking to explore what I am passionate about. What I love is that the list can be anything!

Creating the lifeboard reminds me a little bit of when I was a teen-ager. I would cut pictures out of my Mom's Spiegel catalog. (For the woman who has everything but time.) And I would dream about my life. I was 24 and living in Manhattan. I was studying in Paris. I was a university professor cultivating and shaping minds. I was a model. I was an actress. I was only limited to my imagination.

Part of this is the joy (and luxury) of being young. To be unencumbered by adult responsibilities. To be able to dream with a focused single-mindedness.

To some degree, I never grew out of this. I was/am always trying new things or pursuing a new hobby.

My mom was always such an advocate of things I would try. A conversation with her would often go something like this:

Mom: What's going on, sweetie?

Me: I'm auditioning for a play since I just moved here and don't know anyone.

Mom: Good for you!!


Mom: What's going on, sweetie?

Me: Going back to teaching part-time. Adjuncting.

Mom: What class?

Me: Developmental writing.

Mom: You get your English skills from me. Sentence diagramming was my favorite thing, and I was the best in the class.

(And she was, too.)

Most hobbies met with her approval: yoga (good exercise!!), bellydancing (cute outfits!), volunteer work at the hospital (find a doctor!), salsa (you're just like your grandmother!).

Others met with a distinct lack of enthusiasm.

Mom: Sweetheart, I do not like this martial arts thing you're doing. It sounds dangerous.

Me: It's not dangerous. It's fine. (I neglected to mention that one time I got into an armlock and tore cartilage/)

Mom: Do you have to wear those pajamas?

Me: Mom, it's called a gi. And yes I do.

Mom: And you have to roll around with boys?

Me: Yep.

Mom: I'm not sure that is lady-like behavior.


Mom: Skiing? You went skiing!!

Me: Yeah. In Utah!!

(I neglected to mention falling off the chairlift--need-to-know basis.)

Mom: Can't you pick a safer hobby?

Me: Like popping bubble wrap?

Mom: Exactly!! You know, other moms have daughters who have SAFE hobbies. And you ski...and want to jump out of an airplane.

Me: I told you I wasn't going to do that anymore.

Mom. Promise?

Me: I promise.

Mom: I'm glad you try new things. But make sure you wear a helmet. I worry.

(I have since retired my skiing career. The world rejoices.)


I had often wondered if me dallying in multiple things made me flighty.

In May of 2006, my Mom flew down from Minnesota because I needed her. I missed her.

One night, we were sitting outside on my balcony. I distinctly remember this conversation.

Me: I've been sending out resume.

Mom: Okay.

Me: I think I want to leave Texas.

Mom: Okay.

Me: I've been sending out resumes to Chicago and Minnesota. But also to Redmond.

Mom: Microsoft?

Me: Yeah.

Mom: They would be lucky to have you.

(Moms rock.)

Me: But I really want to be close to you.

Me: I have a question.

Mom: Okay.

Me: Do you think it's okay that I do different things? Apply to jobs in different places?

Mom: I do.

Me: Does it make me seem flighty or...dilletantish?

Mom: No, it doesn't. It makes you adventurous. I admire you for that. You never let anything hold you back. And how can you know what you like if you don't try new things?


After Mom died, some of the spark left me. It took me a bit to find my ground. Where was I going?

Apparently, my spirit didn't stray too far since I now paint, make soap and bath salts, and tried my hand at jewelry-making. (As with my botched singing lesson, I'm glad I have people for this. :) )

And now without further ado: my Lifeboard (thus far)!! (I know my mom would so do this with me.) 

My Lifeboard

1. Go to my family's bar on Lake Michigan.

2. Buy a Chanel handbag for my 40th.

3. I like to help people.

4. I like to teach.

5. I like to learn.

6. I like pretty things.

7. I like Neiman's.

8. Go to Georgia and visit Grandma.

9. Go to Vermont. (I have no idea why.)

10. Learn how to paint with oils.

11. Grow a sunflower plant.

12. Learn how to walk in high heels.

13. Get a facial.

14. Work with a literacy organization or teach ESL. (Which I have already done.)

15. Write (something)

16. Just up and drive some place. Even I don't know where I'm going.

17. Go to Italy and Greece.

18. Feel fulfilled.

19. Get organized and donate stuff to Goodwill. (A boring list item.)

20. MAYBE get a tattoo. (Maybe)

What's on your list?

Don't stop dreaming!




Oh My, Oh Me: It's Stella G!!

Since moving to Minnesota in 2007, I have been lucky enough to have the same stylist (whom I also call friend). We have shared many experiences over the years--not to mention that she saved me from myself in the life event I like to call Mullet 2013: Why Good People Should Stay Away From Bad Scissors (or scissors altogether). You can view her artistry here.

Today, I went to visit her for a much-needed hair/gossip session, and we started talking about our mutual craft projects. She mentioned to me that she had started an Etsy site for her line of personal hair accessories.

To which I replied, "Let me see, let me see, let me see!"

So, let me introduce you to Stella G Couture where you have the opportunity at any age to channel your inner-princess.

No tiara required because you can find your own. :)

I chose this one (which I'm currently wearing).

(image courtesy of Stella G Couture)

Enjoy, my lovelies!!




Fairy Garden Too!!

Finally, finally, after all of this time, my first fairy garden is complete!!

Remember my first post about how I couldn't wait to start my garden once the weather became warm enough?

It finally became warm enough.

Although we have a raised bed in our yard, I have opted to do container gardens because I have so many ideas, and I can move them around as I see fit.

I was extremely lucky to find, Ann, a designer at a local florist, who was as helpful and as sweet as could be.

Things I learned:

  • Have good drainage. I chose to use a deep container because I like the aesthetic. Use rocks, mulch, or Styrofoam to level your container. Charcoal also works as it purifies the water. In my case, I used 1/2 charcoal and 1/2 dirt--a bit much. In hindsight, I would have used a smaller container.
  • Start small. Pick a focal point--a house, a well, whatever piece you choose and work around that. Although I do have some accessories in my garden, most of the texture comes from the plants and rocks. 
  • Use a mister. Keep track of but don't over water. Little plants are delicate. 
  • Befriend preserved moss. Seriously. 
  • Don't strive to be perfect. (I keep telling myself this.) You are only limited by your imagination. And this is fun.

So, although these pictures are not in chronological order, I hope they reflect the spirit of the garden.

(images courtesy of Framed In The Doorway)




Sweet Summer (Picnic) Style

So, today in the mail, I received a most fabulous gift: loot from the Bettie Page store from my cousin, Chrissy.

She (along with the rest of the female contingent in my family) shares the same Bettie Paige obsession. :)

Bettie Paige makes me think of garden parties and picnics: a chance to spread out a blanket, nibble on some fried chicken and potato salad as well as sip on some bubbly.

I thought I would pull together some looks of what inspires me.

Loving the look of the dress and how my shoes match the lining of the fab clutch!

 The clutch: perfect for the dress and shoes!!

One of my very favorite places: hoping to have a picnic here this summer (the latest addition to the backyard).

(images courtesy of Framed In The Doorway)

FITD love!




Pink Sugar Pretty

Hello My FITD Lovelies!!

I hope y'all have had a wonderful Saturday. :)

If you haven't experienced the Bettie Page clothing store, I wanted to bring it to your attention. I had family in town for a wedding, and we made our way to the Mall of America, where we embraced the awesomeness of Bettie. I ended up with with a fabulous dress with a full circle skirt coupled with a red crinoline.

I would have bought everything I tried on except that my checkbook (and closet) could ill afford it.

Regardless, I thought it would be fun to pull together a Bettie look in my favorite color. :)

1. Who wouldn't like fabulous in this awesome circle skirt?         

2. Coupled with this fab top.

3, Tied together with a pink crinoline.

4. Adorned with these fab Judith Ripka earrings.

5. Coveted heels by Kate.

6. Kept warm in pink.

7. Owned by this feminine clutch.

Sugar kisses!

FITD love!
