
FITD Food: Lemon Water

Oh, I am such a fan of my "fancy water." My Beloved gives me such a hard time about my love of Gerolsteiner--he calls it my Geritol. (I tell him it has restorative properties.)

Anyway, I'm doing my best to cut back on my Diet Coke consumption. (Shut it. Just because I folloiw the Diet Coke truck on the highway in solidarity does not mean I have a problem--I'm just being respectful to the Gods.)

I have a few mason jars lying around (as in a lot) and decided it was time to get creative and cut expenses.

  • One big mason jar
  • One lemon
  • Ice
  • Water

  1. Cut up lemon and place into jar.
  2. Add ice and water.
  3. Enjoy!!
(image courtesy of Framed In The Doorway)
FITD love!



P.S. When you're done with your lemons, toss them down your garbage dispoal with some icue cubes and a dash of baking soda. Show room new, I gurantee it.

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